Teknik makaleler

Remote supply replenishment - Integration of AGV, dollies and eKanban racks

Why is an automated requisition system necessary if you already have an ERP or WMS? A good question. It is necessary if stock levels are to be managed not approximately, but precisely.

Source: Technische Logistik (04/2023)

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Closing the gap in the information flow - Live monitoring of material flow with wireless network

Farewell to the conveyor belt: under this motto, multiple forward-thinking companies have reorganised their material flow. Stationary conveyors have been replaced by mobile and thus flexible units, such as AGV, tugger trains or mobile eKanban racks. The prerequisite for such advances is a new approach to information flow – and the logical way to solve this is wireless technology.

Source: robotik UND PRODUKTION (02/2023)

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The wireless backbone supporting communication

When automating intralogistics, the guiding principle has to be: information flow before material flow – the latter always being mobile. With a wireless network, processes are represented comprehensively and precisely at all times.

Source: konstruktionspraxis (04/2023)

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Transparency down to the last metre

MATERIAL FLOW – At Volkswagen in Dresden, "transparent manufacturing" is completely real, as more and more production companies now realise the principle of complete transparency, at least at the level of material flow. A wireless automated material requisition system closes the (information) gap down to the last metre.

Source: GO>>ing (03/2023)


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Sensors and antennas are best when integrated

In a project by the cluster of excellence it´s OWL, steute is currently testing the integration of sensors and antennas in the enclosures of control systems and user interfaces for industrial, as well as medical applications. A combination of laser-direct structuring and additive manufacturing is being used. The results are extremely promising.

Source: etz (11/2022)


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Digitalisation of safety technologies

As digitalisation progresses, cybersecurity is a major topic of discussion, and rightly so. Safety technologies have also moved on considerably in the course of this development. Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Lumme, Product Manager Extreme at steute Technologies, explains the changes in an interview with Andreas Mühlbauer.

Source: INDUSTRIAL Production (10/2022)

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Emergency pull-wire switch passes test in gravel plant

At a gravel plant in Vennebeck, gravel freshly extracted from the River Weser has to travel a considerable distance on conveyor belts from the floating-grab excavator to the processing and grading machinery. The responsible persons at the gravel plant are currently testing a new series of emergency pull-wire switches.

Source: GESTEINS Perspektiven (6/2022)

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Stock monitoring: remote materials requisition for efficient intralogistics

Uninterrupted monitoring of stock within the in-house material flow is a prerequisite if replenishments are to be needs-based. The usual enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have some gaps which can be closed by opting for a remote automated materials requisition system.


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Remotely controlled transparency - Towards the digital shop floor

When optimising in-house processes, a remotely controlled shop floor information system can be the solution to improving inventory management, e.g. of assembly components. It enables the complete inventory within eKanban systems and the "supermarkets" supplying the factory to be digitally visualised. The system is very versatile, not least due to its wide variety of available wireless sensors.

Source: MY FACTORY (09/2022)

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Explosion protection and plant safety: a two-fold challenge. Machine safety in special environments

Machine safety in explosive zones: switchgear required for this field must comply with two complex sets of regulations. Although this is a "niche within a niche", different options are still available when selecting safety switches and sensors. This is true for heavy-duty applications, but also for machines performing duties such as processing or packaging dust-explosive foodstuffs.

Source: Technische Sicherheit 12 (2022) Nr. 07-08

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Integration in information flow - Material supply: transparency from start to finish

Sensors have an important role to play in material requirements planning (MRP) for e.g. assembly lines. They detect the current stock status at the various assembly points and can then send a signal triggering needs-based material flow management. This works particularly well when the sensors transmit their signals within a wireless system developed especially for this purpose.

Source: Technische Logistik (05/2022)

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The benefits of remote control - Trends in user interfaces for medical devices

Medical devices in the OR are now usually connected to their corresponding user interfaces by remote control. This makes additional documentation necessary, but the advantages still far outweigh any disadvantages, and device manufacturers can purchase the systems with all the necessary approvals in place. Furthermore, radio technology is a prerequisite for interoperability in the OR: in the future, multiple medical devices will be operable via a single (wireless) user interface. First applications using this technology, known as SDC (Service-oriented Device Connectivity), are already available.

Source: NET (5/2022)

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